Connecting Regional Strengths | Creating European Innovation


Our Mission

UAS4EUROPE is an informal network representing 150 Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in the European Research Area (ERA). The network aims to strengthen the visibility and inclusion of UAS in ERA-related R&I policies and programmes by providing a platform for knowledge exchange and policy advocacy.


UAS follow a practice-based approach which promotes innovation competencies and an entrepreneurial mindset.


UAS respond to transdisciplinary challenges and create lasting regional  impact.


UAS form the link between fundamental research, market application of new technologies and societal challenges.

Regional anchors

Due to their regional embeddedness, UAS act as important drivers of innovation ecosystems.

Our Chairs

As of June 2024, UAS4EUROPE is chaired by Dr. Heidi Fagerholm and Dr. Harald Mikkelsen, who represent the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene) and University Colleges Denmark (Danske Professionshøjskoler) respectively.

Heidi Fagerholm

Arene (Finland)

Harald Mikkelsen

Danske Professionshøjskoler (DK)

Strategy 2023-2026

Empowering Europe to rise to global challenges

On 23 May 2023, we published our new Strategy 2023-26. Covering our Dutch and Finnish presidencies, this strategy is centred around the motto “Empowering Europe to rise to global challenges”.

With the upcoming European elections, an expected high turnover of Members of European Parliament and a new Commission, a lot of work is to be done in ensuring that Horizon Europe’s successor (FP10) lives up to the expectations of the research community.

Through the lense of the Strategy 2023-26, we aim to be a constructive stakeholder in these decisive years for European R&I.

“With the professionalisation of the network, new challenges and opportunities are arising that we will address through our new Strategy 2023-26”, say our Chairs Marjolijn Brussaard, Prof. Em. (Vereniging Hogescholen) and Dr. Heidi Fagerholm (ARENE).

Read the Strategy document

What’s up at UAS4EUROPE?

Horizon Europe Capacity-Building Workshop – Registrations now open!

UAS4EUROPE and ERRIN are co-organising a “Horizon Europe Capacity-Building Workshop” on 6-7 November 2024 in Brussels. The workshop is specifically designed to support newcomers to the Horizon Europe Programme coming[…]

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New Chair of UAS4EUROPE: Dr. Heidi Fagerholm (Arene)

The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene) has taken over the Presidency of UAS4EUROPE. The transition took place during a ceremonial handover at the Croissant Event on[…]

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UAS4EUROPE Croissant Event 2024 Report

On 12 June 2024, over 100 participants attended our biennial Croissant Event focused on the ongoing research assessment reform within the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). Patrick Brenier from[…]

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Best Practices


Contributing to SDG 3 (Good Health & Well-Being), it is the objective of the project 5G4Healthcare (DE) to establish a platform based on 5G technology, that enables testing and evaluation of digital applications in scenarios of rural healthcare in living labs (real environments) and test beds. Two defined use cases are the starting point in which exemplary scenarios are used to determine which added value and effects can be realised through digital solutions in healthcare and which additional potential through 5G technology can be unlocked.

Zero Carbon Refurbishment

The ongoing refurbishment of a residential complex in the city of Salzburg is an Austrian milestone in social and technological sustainability. The award-winning project “Zero Carbon Refurbishment” (AT), also named “ZeCaRe”, aims to reduce the carbon footprint of existing housing and making renovation possible without compromising social aspects.


The overarching goal of DIGNITY (NL) is to foster a sustainable, integrated and user-friendly digital travel eco-system that improves accessibility and social inclusion, along with the travel experience and daily life of all citizens.

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