UAS involved: Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden
Contributing to SDG 3 (Good Health & Well-Being), it is the objective of the project 5G4Healthcare (DE) to establish a platform based on 5G technology, that enables testing and evaluation of digital applications in scenarios of rural healthcare in living labs (real environments) and test beds. Two defined use cases are the starting point in which exemplary scenarios are used to determine which added value and effects can be realised through digital solutions in healthcare and which additional potential through 5G technology can be unlocked.
Use case Integrated care
In the frame of the use case ‘Integrated care’, a comprehensive digital health-based integrated care approach for rural areas is to be implemented. The aim is to create a virtual care centre, which in addition to conventional care facilities, will enable permanently available, high-quality and efficient expert care.
Use case Home care
The second use case ‘Home care’ aims at implementing a comprehensive digital health-based approach with the involvement of representatives of the outpatient sector, explicitly addressing home care and care in rural areas.