Networking Conference 2023: “Halfway to the Horizon”


Read the executive summary here


Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), because of their regional embeddedness and close links to industry, public authorities and citizens, are important actors in realising the EU’s ambitions of a climate-neutral and technologically sovereign global player.

With the goal to foster international collaboration, Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, allocates a large part of its budget to application-oriented research. This comes with a lot of potential for UAS.

Therefore, we want to dedicate our 3rd Networking Conference to offering a mid-term review of Horizon Europe from the perspective of the applied sciences.

The conference will be structured in two parts. Starting with political discussions on 22 May 2023, we want to debate Horizon Europe with policymakers and industry representatives in high-level keynote speeches and panel debates, followed by a networking reception. The second day, 23 May 2023, will be dedicated to interactive breakout sessions in which applied research experts can engage with one another to discuss Horizon Europe in detail.

Based on the discussions and exchanges during the conference, we will prepare a thorough written contribution to the mid-term review of Horizon Europe, from the perspective of the applied sciences and arts.


Download the full programm here

17:00 - 18:00
Registration and pre-reception
18:00 - 18:05
Welcome address by the host
Dr. Armin Hartmuth, Deputy Director, Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU
18:05 - 18:30
In conversation with
Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, MEP, EPP, Member of the Committe on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) & Honorary Professor at Munich UAS
18:30 - 18:35
Introductory remarks by UAS4EUROPE
Erica Schaper, President of the Executive Board, NHL Stenden UAS & Board Member, Vereniging Hogescholen
18:35 - 19:00
In conversation with
Dr. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science
19:00 - 20:00
Panel Discussion: "Reach for the Horizon: What's next for applied research in European R&I"
Moderator: Maryline Fiaschi, CEO, Science|Business
  • Pernille Weiss, MEP, EPP, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) & Member of the Panel on the Future of Science and Technology (STOA)
  • Dr. Keith Sequeira, Head of Unit "European Innovation Council", DG RTD, European Commission
  • Prof. Dr. Armando Pires, UAS4EUROPE Board Member & EURASHE President
  • Dr.-Ing. Anton Walsdorf, Senior Strategist, Airbus Defence and Space
20:00 - 22:00
Networking reception
8:30 - 9:00
Arrival and morning coffee
9:00 - 9:30
Broadening the Horizon: R&I collaboration beyond the EU
  • Prof. Dr. Martina Hirayama, Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation
  • Dr. Refael Barkan, Vice-President for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Internationalization, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
9:30 - 9:45
Transition break
9:45 - 10:45
Parallel breakout sessions
  • The R&I dimension in the European Universities Initiative
  • Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
  • Regional perspectives on Horizon Europe Missions
  • Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
  • Innovative Europe: UAS and innovation in Horizon
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 - 11:45
Stocktaking / summary of the breakout sessions
11:45 - 12:15
Looking back and ahead: Pathways for Horizon Europe
Dr. Massimiliano Esposito, Head of Unit "Common Strategic Planning & Programming Service", DG RTD, European Commission
12:15 - 12:30
Wrap-up and closing
Dr. Heidi Fagerholm, UAS4EUROPE Vice-Chair
What is the cooperation corner?
As an integral part of the network conference, we decided to offer our cooperation corner / poster exhibition again, as in previous years. This allows participants to demonstrate their institutions, EU projects or university alliances to a large audience of international R&I practitioners. The posters will be displayed in the main event hall, very visible to all. Every participant is warmly invited to share their experiences via our cooperation corner.
How can I participate?
You will be asked in the registration sheet if you want to contribute to the cooperation corner. If you click "yes", the organisers will sent the template form to you via mail.
How does the poster look like?
You can take a look at an example here



Angelika Niebler
Member of the European Parliament
Robbert Dijkgraaf
Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science
Pernille Weiss
Member of the European Parliament
Keith Sequeira
Head of Unit "European Innovation Council", DG RTD, European Commission
Armando Pires
UAS4EUROPE board member & EURASHE president
Anton Walsdorf
Senior Strategist, Airbus
Martina Hirayama
Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation
Refael Barkan
V.P. for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Internationalization, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
Massimiliano Esposito
Head of Unit "Common Strategic Planning & Programming Service", DG RTD, European Commission
Heidi Fagerholm
UAS4EUROPE Vice-Chair & CEO, Oulu UAS, Finland