UAS Involved: Turku UAS (Finland)
The project (FI) addresses SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 12 (Responsible Consumption & Production) by improving the quality and openness of multidisciplinary education at universities of applied sciences (UAS) by promoting circular economy competence and collaboration with emphasis on international activities.
The objectives are to:
- Improve the quality of education, guidance, teaching and learning,
- Increase the selection of studies in circular economy,
- Enhance the circular economy competence of higher education institution staff members,
- Develop and pilot learning environments in cooperation with companies,
- Increase the international attraction of UAS and the export of competence by developing circular economy studies in different languages,
- Determine and agree on common operational concepts both between different UAS and between companies and UAS,
- Increase and establish corporate collaboration, openness and cooperation between UAS and the surrounding society,
- Reinforcing the role of students in teaching and competence development.